AI tools that let you browse your photos quickly and easily. The AI tools can be accessed either via the AI bar, the icons in the thumbnails, or under the menu item ‘Find’.
Nachdem Sie unsere Software heruntergeladen haben, müssen Sie Excire Foto auf Ihrem Rechner installieren. Unter macOS entpacken Sie bitte die entsprechende ZIP Datei und mounten das entsprechende Disk Image (DMG Datei).
Now you only have to start the installation program, which will guide you through the installation step by step. Windows users only need to start the downloaded executable file (*.exe) and follow the installation instructions.
After successful installation and registration (not necessary during the test phase) you can now start organizing your photos. Similar to Adobe Lightroom Classic and other photo management apps, you must first add your photo folders to Excire Foto.
To do so, simply click on the ‘Add’ button in the left column of the gallery view. In the appearing dialog you can make changes to various settings:
To use the AI tools of Excire Foto, the photos of the added folders must be analyzed. This is done either during the adding process (see point 3) or afterwards. To do this, right-click on an added folder and then click on ‘Analyze’.
In contrast to the analysis during the adding process, the subsequent analysis does not import the keywords already assigned to the photos.
During the analysis, Excire Foto recognizes image content, colors and properties and assigns the corresponding keywords.
In the preferencesctrl+P on Windows or ⌥+P ⌥+P on macOS) you may activate the option “Analyze with maximum CPU load”. This allows Excire Foto to use all your processor cores, which speeds up the analysis.
After the analysis you will be able to use Excire Foto to its full extent.
The Excire Photo Office Edition is a special solution for companies and team use. In addition to the usual AI power for simple and intuitive photo management, it has the following additional features:
German & English
Mehrkernprozessor mit 64-bit und AVX Unterstützung
Multi-core processor with 64-bit and AVX support. Older AMD processors like the AMD Phenom™ II X6 1100T and AMD Phenom™ II X (also known as AMD Athlon II X4 640) are not supported. Intel Core 2 Duo processors are not supported.
macOS 11 (or newer) or Windows 10 (64-bit) or Windows 11 (64-bit)
Minimum 8GB RAM is required. However, 16GB or more is recommended.
The Excire databases require about 250 MB for 100,000 photos.
The preview storage will then be about 25 GB
at the highest quality, including raw formats,
and when a preview is generated for each photo.
Excire Search is the perfect solution for all Adobe Lightroom Classic users. The smart Lightroom plugin analyzes and tags photos automatically and extends Lightroom with powerful AI search functions. With just a few clicks, Excire Search finds exactly the photos you are looking for. This makes image management fun again and hours of image searching a thing of the past.
Available for Windows and macOS and now brand new in the 2024 version with integrated duplicate finder!
Note for existing Excire Foto customers: Excire Foto users have to keep in mind for testing that the previous Excire database will be modified when the program is started for the first time. Thus a switch back to older versions is not possible without a backup. We therefore recommend creating a backup before using Excire Foto 2024. How to do this is described here.
Excire Search is the perfect solution for all Adobe Lightroom Classic users. The smart Lightroom plugin analyzes and tags photos automatically and extends Lightroom with powerful AI search functions. With just a few clicks, Excire Search finds exactly the photos you are looking for. This makes image management fun again and hours of image searching a thing of the past.
Available for Windows and macOS and now brand new in the 2022 version with integrated duplicate finder!
Excire’s flagship program boasts dazzling new features and enhanced AI technology. All-new tools offer AI-powered free-text search, GPS-search, and intelligent aesthetics assessment of individual photos. Additionally, AI upgrades ensure better results in facial recognition, similarity search, and automatic keywording.
Excire Foto 2024 retains all core features from Excire Foto 2022, and the Excire Analytics extension is now fully integrated into the new program.
Highlights of the 2024 version include:
Excire Foto 2022 is a powerful and innovative software designed for easy photo management and quick content-based browsing. Numerous smart features help you get organized and find the photos you are looking for.
These are the highlights of the new 2022 version:
We recommend Windows users to install the Microsoft Raw image extension: Download